Tamara Shantz
Upcoming Offerings

Practicing Incarnation
Advent Embodied Prayer Group
Sundays, 7 - 8 pm (Virtual)
Mondays, 10:30-11:30 am
In Person in KW
Sliding Scale Fee: $50/70/90
Advent is the season of incarnation.
When we name our longing for God to be tangibly known in our lives and the world.
When we remember the promise of Jesus’ birth: God is with us.
Join me in allowing your body to guide you through the Advent season this year.
How is God present in your body?
What invitation might you hear as you practice including your physical being into your spiritual life?
"The idea of embodied prayer is to create those moments where God can enter and speak, to create doorways so we can say, “I am here. Find me.”
- Kalyn Falk
Using Kalyn Falk’s six postures of prayer (found in “I am Here: Six Postures of Prayer"), we will meet weekly in a small, closed group exploring embodied prayer.
All bodies are welcome and the postures can be adapted to individual approaches and needs.
A typical gathering will include:
Light, opening exercises to engage with our bodies
Praying with the six postures which focus on themes of: Expansion/Contraction, Reach/Receive, Stand Firm/Go with the Flow (some weeks we will pray all six postures, while other weeks we will focus on particular pairings)
Individual Contemplation Time
Circle Sharing
Closing Blessing
Past Offerings
Befriending our Desires
Virtual Spiritual Formation Group

Sundays, 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Oct.15,22, Nov.5,12
For many of us, we have been taught that to focus on our desires is to be selfish. We have a hard time imagining that thinking about what we want connects with listening for God’s will. However, there is a long history of Christian spiritual writers exploring human desire as one form of God’s leading in our lives, or even, as the way that the image of God is present within us.
Join a facilitated small group exploring a theology of desire and how befriending our desires can be a liberating part of our spiritual lives.
Photo by ToolsforMotivation on Unsplash
We will meet four times throughout the fall season with some teaching, guided spiritual practices, and group sharing. Suggestions for home practice will also be provided.
Sliding Scale Fee: $70/90/110

My Pet Robot
Self Compassion through the Enneagram
5 week Virtual Course
Tuesdays, Nov.7 - Dec.5 - 7-9 pm
Sliding Scale Fee: $180/210/240
Too often, we make our way through life in auto-pilot mode. We have habitual patterns of thought, feeling, and action that operate without our conscious engagement.
It’s like we have our very own pet robot!
A central part of inner work with the Enneagram is becoming better acquainted with, and befriending, the pet robot within. When we can stop identifying with our programmed reactivity, when we can see that we are so much more than our 'robot self', we can begin to practice self-compassion and true presence in a new way.
"It is important to cultivate self-compassion for ourselves: we have to love ourselves enough to know that we are worth the effort to get to know ourselves as we really are."
- Don Riso and Russ Hudson
This course will take you deeper into the practice of self-compassion through the Enneagram.
It will be a mix of teaching, practices, and process to support your own inner work.
It is intended for those who are already familiar with their basic type.
If you are a newcomer, please look at the Enneagram Basics course I offer first before signing up for this one.
We will focus on:
More in-depth teaching that will bring you a fuller understanding of your deeper nature and the ways in which you abandon yourself
Aspects of the Enneagram Theory we will engage with include:
Relationship between the Passion and Fixation
Directions of Growth and Stress
Exercises to help you develop your inner observer; your capacity to see and be compassionately present with your personality and its reactivity
Practices to integrate into your daily life to deepen your resilience and self-compassion - and by extension, your compassion for others
Enneagram Basics
Virtual Course - 4 Weeks
Tuesdays - 7-8:30 pm
Starting Sept.26, 2023
Sliding Scale Fee: $115/130/145
The Enneagram is a tool for self-awareness that invites us to discover what it means to be more present in each moment. This foundational, four session course, will introduce you to the Enneagram as a tool for spiritual growth and personal transformation.
It is designed for both newcomers and those interested in becoming more intentional with their engagement of the Enneagram.
The course will cover:
The purpose and practice of the Enneagram
Theory of personality formation
Introduction to the 9 core personality structures: including the sacred gifts, basic fears and desires, invitations to growth
Through teaching, poetry, meditation, exercises, and conversation, you will be given a solid foundation to continue your journey with the Enneagram.
Learning from Stress
Going Deeper with the Enneagram
Virtual Workshop
Thursday, October 12 - 7-9 pm
Sliding Scale Fee: $40/60/80
The Enneagram invites us to take another look at stress. Rather than getting down on ourselves for the sometimes surprising/irritating/funky coping strategies that emerge when the pressure builds, the Enneagram challenges us to see how these strategies serve us and the invitation that they bring, if we can see them as they are arising.
This virtual workshop will explore what is referred to as the “movements” of the Enneagram - the lines that connect each number to the others on the Enneagram symbol and express where we go in stress, and where we go when we are secure. We will prioritize digging into the stress movements of each type and as time allows, we will also explore what the movement of growth involves as well.